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/*! * v0.1.5 * Copyright (c) 2014 First Opinion * formatter.js is open sourced under the MIT license. * * thanks to digitalBush/jquery.maskedinput for some of the trickier * keycode handling */ // // Uses Node, AMD or browser globals to create a module. This example creates // a global even when AMD is used. This is useful if you have some scripts // that are loaded by an AMD loader, but they still want access to globals. // If you do not need to export a global for the AMD case, // see returnExports.js. // // If you want something that will work in other stricter CommonJS environments, // or if you need to create a circular dependency, see commonJsStrictGlobal.js // // Defines a module "returnExportsGlobal" that depends another module called // "b". Note that the name of the module is implied by the file name. It is // best if the file name and the exported global have matching names. // // If the 'b' module also uses this type of boilerplate, then // in the browser, it will create a global .b that is used below. // (function (root, factory) { if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { // AMD. Register as an anonymous module. define([], function () { return (root.returnExportsGlobal = factory()); }); } else if (typeof exports === 'object') { // Node. Does not work with strict CommonJS, but // only CommonJS-like enviroments that support module.exports, // like Node. module.exports = factory(); } else { root['Formatter'] = factory(); } }(this, function () { /* * pattern.js * * Utilities to parse str pattern and return info * */ var pattern = function () { // Define module var pattern = {}; // Match information var DELIM_SIZE = 4; // Our regex used to parse var regexp = new RegExp('{{([^}]+)}}', 'g'); // // Helper method to parse pattern str // var getMatches = function (pattern) { // Populate array of matches var matches = [], match; while (match = regexp.exec(pattern)) { matches.push(match); } return matches; }; // // Create an object holding all formatted characters // with corresponding positions // pattern.parse = function (pattern) { // Our obj to populate var info = { inpts: {}, chars: {} }; // Pattern information var matches = getMatches(pattern), pLength = pattern.length; // Counters var mCount = 0, iCount = 0, i = 0; // Add inpts, move to end of match, and process var processMatch = function (val) { var valLength = val.length; for (var j = 0; j < valLength; j++) { info.inpts[iCount] = val.charAt(j); iCount++; } mCount++; i += val.length + DELIM_SIZE - 1; }; // Process match or add chars for (i; i < pLength; i++) { if (mCount < matches.length && i === matches[mCount].index) { processMatch(matches[mCount][1]); } else { info.chars[i - mCount * DELIM_SIZE] = pattern.charAt(i); } } // Set mLength and return info.mLength = i - mCount * DELIM_SIZE; return info; }; // Expose return pattern; }(); /* * utils.js * * Independent helper methods (cross browser, etc..) * */ var utils = function () { // Define module var utils = {}; // Useragent info for keycode handling var uAgent = typeof navigator !== 'undefined' ? navigator.userAgent : null; // // Shallow copy properties from n objects to destObj // utils.extend = function (destObj) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { for (var key in arguments[i]) { destObj[key] = arguments[i][key]; } } return destObj; }; // // Add a given character to a string at a defined pos // utils.addChars = function (str, chars, pos) { return str.substr(0, pos) + chars + str.substr(pos, str.length); }; // // Remove a span of characters // utils.removeChars = function (str, start, end) { return str.substr(0, start) + str.substr(end, str.length); }; // // Return true/false is num false between bounds // utils.isBetween = function (num, bounds) { bounds.sort(function (a, b) { return a - b; }); return num > bounds[0] && num < bounds[1]; }; // // Helper method for cross browser event listeners // utils.addListener = function (el, evt, handler) { return typeof el.addEventListener !== 'undefined' ? el.addEventListener(evt, handler, false) : el.attachEvent('on' + evt, handler); }; // // Helper method for cross browser implementation of preventDefault // utils.preventDefault = function (evt) { return evt.preventDefault ? evt.preventDefault() : evt.returnValue = false; }; // // Helper method for cross browser implementation for grabbing // clipboard data // utils.getClip = function (evt) { if (evt.clipboardData) { return evt.clipboardData.getData('Text'); } if (window.clipboardData) { return window.clipboardData.getData('Text'); } }; // // Loop over object and checking for matching properties // utils.getMatchingKey = function (which, keyCode, keys) { // Loop over and return if matched. for (var k in keys) { var key = keys[k]; if (which === key.which && keyCode === key.keyCode) { return k; } } }; // // Returns true/false if k is a del keyDown // utils.isDelKeyDown = function (which, keyCode) { var keys = { 'backspace': { 'which': 8, 'keyCode': 8 }, 'delete': { 'which': 46, 'keyCode': 46 } }; return utils.getMatchingKey(which, keyCode, keys); }; // // Returns true/false if k is a del keyPress // utils.isDelKeyPress = function (which, keyCode) { var keys = { 'backspace': { 'which': 8, 'keyCode': 8, 'shiftKey': false }, 'delete': { 'which': 0, 'keyCode': 46 } }; return utils.getMatchingKey(which, keyCode, keys); }; // // // // Determine if keydown relates to specialKey // // // utils.isSpecialKeyDown = function (which, keyCode) { // var keys = { // 'tab': { 'which': 9, 'keyCode': 9 }, // 'enter': { 'which': 13, 'keyCode': 13 }, // 'end': { 'which': 35, 'keyCode': 35 }, // 'home': { 'which': 36, 'keyCode': 36 }, // 'leftarrow': { 'which': 37, 'keyCode': 37 }, // 'uparrow': { 'which': 38, 'keyCode': 38 }, // 'rightarrow': { 'which': 39, 'keyCode': 39 }, // 'downarrow': { 'which': 40, 'keyCode': 40 }, // 'F5': { 'which': 116, 'keyCode': 116 } // }; // return utils.getMatchingKey(which, keyCode, keys); // }; // // Determine if keypress relates to specialKey // utils.isSpecialKeyPress = function (which, keyCode) { var keys = { 'tab': { 'which': 0, 'keyCode': 9 }, 'enter': { 'which': 13, 'keyCode': 13 }, 'end': { 'which': 0, 'keyCode': 35 }, 'home': { 'which': 0, 'keyCode': 36 }, 'leftarrow': { 'which': 0, 'keyCode': 37 }, 'uparrow': { 'which': 0, 'keyCode': 38 }, 'rightarrow': { 'which': 0, 'keyCode': 39 }, 'downarrow': { 'which': 0, 'keyCode': 40 }, 'F5': { 'which': 116, 'keyCode': 116 } }; return utils.getMatchingKey(which, keyCode, keys); }; // // Returns true/false if modifier key is held down // utils.isModifier = function (evt) { return evt.ctrlKey || evt.altKey || evt.metaKey; }; // // Iterates over each property of object or array. // utils.forEach = function (collection, callback, thisArg) { if (collection.hasOwnProperty('length')) { for (var index = 0, len = collection.length; index < len; index++) { if (callback.call(thisArg, collection[index], index, collection) === false) { break; } } } else { for (var key in collection) { if (collection.hasOwnProperty(key)) { if (callback.call(thisArg, collection[key], key, collection) === false) { break; } } } } }; // Expose return utils; }(); /* * pattern-matcher.js * * Parses a pattern specification and determines appropriate pattern for an * input string * */ var patternMatcher = function (pattern, utils) { // // Parse a matcher string into a RegExp. Accepts valid regular // expressions and the catchall '*'. // @private // var parseMatcher = function (matcher) { if (matcher === '*') { return /.*/; } return new RegExp(matcher); }; // // Parse a pattern spec and return a function that returns a pattern // based on user input. The first matching pattern will be chosen. // Pattern spec format: // Array [ // Object: { Matcher(RegExp String) : Pattern(Pattern String) }, // ... // ] function patternMatcher(patternSpec) { var matchers = [], patterns = []; // Iterate over each pattern in order. utils.forEach(patternSpec, function (patternMatcher) { // Process single property object to obtain pattern and matcher. utils.forEach(patternMatcher, function (patternStr, matcherStr) { var parsedPattern = pattern.parse(patternStr), regExpMatcher = parseMatcher(matcherStr); matchers.push(regExpMatcher); patterns.push(parsedPattern); // Stop after one iteration. return false; }); }); var getPattern = function (input) { var matchedIndex; utils.forEach(matchers, function (matcher, index) { if (matcher.test(input)) { matchedIndex = index; return false; } }); return matchedIndex === undefined ? null : patterns[matchedIndex]; }; return { getPattern: getPattern, patterns: patterns, matchers: matchers }; } // Expose return patternMatcher; }(pattern, utils); /* * inpt-sel.js * * Cross browser implementation to get and set input selections * */ var inptSel = function () { // Define module var inptSel = {}; // // Get begin and end positions of selected input. Return 0's // if there is no selectiion data // inptSel.get = function (el) { // If normal browser return with result if (typeof el.selectionStart === 'number') { return { begin: el.selectionStart, end: el.selectionEnd }; } // Uh-Oh. We must be IE. Fun with TextRange!! var range = document.selection.createRange(); // Determine if there is a selection if (range && range.parentElement() === el) { var inputRange = el.createTextRange(), endRange = el.createTextRange(), length = el.value.length; // Create a working TextRange for the input selection inputRange.moveToBookmark(range.getBookmark()); // Move endRange begin pos to end pos (hence endRange) endRange.collapse(false); // If we are at the very end of the input, begin and end // must both be the length of the el.value if (inputRange.compareEndPoints('StartToEnd', endRange) > -1) { return { begin: length, end: length }; } // Note: moveStart usually returns the units moved, which // one may think is -length, however, it will stop when it // gets to the begin of the range, thus giving us the // negative value of the pos. return { begin: -inputRange.moveStart('character', -length), end: -inputRange.moveEnd('character', -length) }; } //Return 0's on no selection data return { begin: 0, end: 0 }; }; // // Set the caret position at a specified location // inptSel.set = function (el, pos) { // Normalize pos if (typeof pos !== 'object') { pos = { begin: pos, end: pos }; } // If normal browser if (el.setSelectionRange) { el.focus(); el.setSelectionRange(pos.begin, pos.end); } else if (el.createTextRange) { var range = el.createTextRange(); range.collapse(true); range.moveEnd('character', pos.end); range.moveStart('character', pos.begin); range.select(); } }; // Expose return inptSel; }(); /* * formatter.js * * Class used to format input based on passed pattern * */ var formatter = function (patternMatcher, inptSel, utils) { // Defaults var defaults = { persistent: false, repeat: false, placeholder: ' ' }; // Regexs for input validation var inptRegs = { '9': /[0-9]/, 'a': /[A-Za-z]/, '*': /[A-Za-z0-9]/ }; // // Class Constructor - Called with new Formatter(el, opts) // Responsible for setting up required instance variables, and // attaching the event listener to the element. // function Formatter(el, opts) { // Cache this var self = this; // Make sure we have an element. Make accesible to instance self.el = el; if (!self.el) { throw new TypeError('Must provide an existing element'); } // Merge opts with defaults self.opts = utils.extend({}, defaults, opts); // 1 pattern is special case if (typeof self.opts.pattern !== 'undefined') { self.opts.patterns = self._specFromSinglePattern(self.opts.pattern); delete self.opts.pattern; } // Make sure we have valid opts if (typeof self.opts.patterns === 'undefined') { throw new TypeError('Must provide a pattern or array of patterns'); } self.patternMatcher = patternMatcher(self.opts.patterns); // Upate pattern with initial value self._updatePattern(); // Init values self.hldrs = {}; self.focus = 0; // Add Listeners utils.addListener(self.el, 'keydown', function (evt) { self._keyDown(evt); }); utils.addListener(self.el, 'keypress', function (evt) { self._keyPress(evt); }); utils.addListener(self.el, 'paste', function (evt) { self._paste(evt); }); // Persistence if (self.opts.persistent) { // Format on start self._processKey('', false); self.el.blur(); // Add Listeners utils.addListener(self.el, 'focus', function (evt) { self._focus(evt); }); utils.addListener(self.el, 'click', function (evt) { self._focus(evt); }); utils.addListener(self.el, 'touchstart', function (evt) { self._focus(evt); }); } } // // @public // Add new char // Formatter.addInptType = function (chr, reg) { inptRegs[chr] = reg; }; // // @public // Apply the given pattern to the current input without moving caret. // Formatter.prototype.resetPattern = function (str) { // Update opts to hold new pattern this.opts.patterns = str ? this._specFromSinglePattern(str) : this.opts.patterns; // Get current state this.sel = inptSel.get(this.el); this.val = this.el.value; // Init values this.delta = 0; // Remove all formatted chars from val this._removeChars(); this.patternMatcher = patternMatcher(this.opts.patterns); // Update pattern var newPattern = this.patternMatcher.getPattern(this.val); this.mLength = newPattern.mLength; this.chars = newPattern.chars; this.inpts = newPattern.inpts; // Format on start this._processKey('', false, true); }; // // @private // Determine correct format pattern based on input val // Formatter.prototype._updatePattern = function () { // Determine appropriate pattern var newPattern = this.patternMatcher.getPattern(this.val); // Only update the pattern if there is an appropriate pattern for the value. // Otherwise, leave the current pattern (and likely delete the latest character.) if (newPattern) { // Get info about the given pattern this.mLength = newPattern.mLength; this.chars = newPattern.chars; this.inpts = newPattern.inpts; } }; // // @private // Handler called on all keyDown strokes. All keys trigger // this handler. Only process delete keys. // Formatter.prototype._keyDown = function (evt) { // The first thing we need is the character code var k = evt.which || evt.keyCode; // If delete key if (k && utils.isDelKeyDown(evt.which, evt.keyCode)) { // Process the keyCode and prevent default this._processKey(null, k); return utils.preventDefault(evt); } }; // // @private // Handler called on all keyPress strokes. Only processes // character keys (as long as no modifier key is in use). // Formatter.prototype._keyPress = function (evt) { // The first thing we need is the character code var k, isSpecial; // Mozilla will trigger on special keys and assign the the value 0 // We want to use that 0 rather than the keyCode it assigns. k = evt.which || evt.keyCode; isSpecial = utils.isSpecialKeyPress(evt.which, evt.keyCode); // Process the keyCode and prevent default if (!utils.isDelKeyPress(evt.which, evt.keyCode) && !isSpecial && !utils.isModifier(evt)) { this._processKey(String.fromCharCode(k), false); return utils.preventDefault(evt); } }; // // @private // Handler called on paste event. // Formatter.prototype._paste = function (evt) { // Process the clipboard paste and prevent default this._processKey(utils.getClip(evt), false); return utils.preventDefault(evt); }; // // @private // Handle called on focus event. // Formatter.prototype._focus = function () { // Wrapped in timeout so that we can grab input selection var self = this; setTimeout(function () { // Grab selection var selection = inptSel.get(self.el); // Char check var isAfterStart = selection.end > self.focus, isFirstChar = selection.end === 0; // If clicked in front of start, refocus to start if (isAfterStart || isFirstChar) { inptSel.set(self.el, self.focus); } }, 0); }; // // @private // Using the provided key information, alter el value. // Formatter.prototype._processKey = function (chars, delKey, ignoreCaret) { // Get current state this.sel = inptSel.get(this.el); this.val = this.el.value; // Init values this.delta = 0; // If chars were highlighted, we need to remove them if (this.sel.begin !== this.sel.end) { this.delta = -1 * Math.abs(this.sel.begin - this.sel.end); this.val = utils.removeChars(this.val, this.sel.begin, this.sel.end); } else if (delKey && delKey === 46) { this._delete(); } else if (delKey && this.sel.begin - 1 >= 0) { // Always have a delta of at least -1 for the character being deleted. this.val = utils.removeChars(this.val, this.sel.end - 1, this.sel.end); this.delta -= 1; } else if (delKey) { return true; } // If the key is not a del key, it should convert to a str if (!delKey) { // Add char at position and increment delta this.val = utils.addChars(this.val, chars, this.sel.begin); this.delta += chars.length; } // Format el.value (also handles updating caret position) this._formatValue(ignoreCaret); }; // // @private // Deletes the character in front of it // Formatter.prototype._delete = function () { // Adjust focus to make sure its not on a formatted char while (this.chars[this.sel.begin]) { this._nextPos(); } // As long as we are not at the end if (this.sel.begin < this.val.length) { // We will simulate a delete by moving the caret to the next char // and then deleting this._nextPos(); this.val = utils.removeChars(this.val, this.sel.end - 1, this.sel.end); this.delta = -1; } }; // // @private // Quick helper method to move the caret to the next pos // Formatter.prototype._nextPos = function () { this.sel.end++; this.sel.begin++; }; // // @private // Alter element value to display characters matching the provided // instance pattern. Also responsible for updating // Formatter.prototype._formatValue = function (ignoreCaret) { // Set caret pos this.newPos = this.sel.end + this.delta; // Remove all formatted chars from val this._removeChars(); // Switch to first matching pattern based on val this._updatePattern(); // Validate inputs this._validateInpts(); // Add formatted characters this._addChars(); // Set value and adhere to maxLength this.el.value = this.val.substr(0, this.mLength); // Set new caret position if (typeof ignoreCaret === 'undefined' || ignoreCaret === false) { inptSel.set(this.el, this.newPos); } }; // // @private // Remove all formatted before and after a specified pos // Formatter.prototype._removeChars = function () { // Delta shouldn't include placeholders if (this.sel.end > this.focus) { this.delta += this.sel.end - this.focus; } // Account for shifts during removal var shift = 0; // Loop through all possible char positions for (var i = 0; i <= this.mLength; i++) { // Get transformed position var curChar = this.chars[i], curHldr = this.hldrs[i], pos = i + shift, val; // If after selection we need to account for delta pos = i >= this.sel.begin ? pos + this.delta : pos; val = this.val.charAt(pos); // Remove char and account for shift if (curChar && curChar === val || curHldr && curHldr === val) { this.val = utils.removeChars(this.val, pos, pos + 1); shift--; } } // All hldrs should be removed now this.hldrs = {}; // Set focus to last character this.focus = this.val.length; }; // // @private // Make sure all inpts are valid, else remove and update delta // Formatter.prototype._validateInpts = function () { // Loop over each char and validate for (var i = 0; i < this.val.length; i++) { // Get char inpt type var inptType = this.inpts[i]; // Checks var isBadType = !inptRegs[inptType], isInvalid = !isBadType && !inptRegs[inptType].test(this.val.charAt(i)), inBounds = this.inpts[i]; // Remove if incorrect and inbounds if ((isBadType || isInvalid) && inBounds) { this.val = utils.removeChars(this.val, i, i + 1); this.focusStart--; this.newPos--; this.delta--; i--; } } }; // // @private // Loop over val and add formatted chars as necessary // Formatter.prototype._addChars = function () { if (this.opts.persistent) { // Loop over all possible characters for (var i = 0; i <= this.mLength; i++) { if (!this.val.charAt(i)) { // Add placeholder at pos this.val = utils.addChars(this.val, this.opts.placeholder, i); this.hldrs[i] = this.opts.placeholder; } this._addChar(i); } // Adjust focus to make sure its not on a formatted char while (this.chars[this.focus]) { this.focus++; } } else { // Avoid caching val.length, as they may change in _addChar. for (var j = 0; j <= this.val.length; j++) { // When moving backwards there are some race conditions where we // dont want to add the character if (this.delta <= 0 && j === this.focus) { return true; } // Place character in current position of the formatted string. this._addChar(j); } } }; // // @private // Add formattted char at position // Formatter.prototype._addChar = function (i) { // If char exists at position var chr = this.chars[i]; if (!chr) { return true; } // If chars are added in between the old pos and new pos // we need to increment pos and delta if (utils.isBetween(i, [ this.sel.begin - 1, this.newPos + 1 ])) { this.newPos++; this.delta++; } // If character added before focus, incr if (i <= this.focus) { this.focus++; } // Updateholder if (this.hldrs[i]) { delete this.hldrs[i]; this.hldrs[i + 1] = this.opts.placeholder; } // Update value this.val = utils.addChars(this.val, chr, i); }; // // @private // Create a patternSpec for passing into patternMatcher that // has exactly one catch all pattern. // Formatter.prototype._specFromSinglePattern = function (patternStr) { return [{ '*': patternStr }]; }; // Expose return Formatter; }(patternMatcher, inptSel, utils); return formatter; }));