Create File
Create Folder
Filename :
/*! * Nestable jQuery Plugin - Copyright (c) 2012 David Bushell - http://dbushell.com/ * Dual-licensed under the BSD or MIT licenses */ ;(function($, window, document, undefined) { var hasTouch = 'ontouchstart' in window; /** * Detect CSS pointer-events property * events are normally disabled on the dragging element to avoid conflicts * https://github.com/ausi/Feature-detection-technique-for-pointer-events/blob/master/modernizr-pointerevents.js */ var hasPointerEvents = (function() { var el = document.createElement('div'), docEl = document.documentElement; if (!('pointerEvents' in el.style)) { return false; } el.style.pointerEvents = 'auto'; el.style.pointerEvents = 'x'; docEl.appendChild(el); var supports = window.getComputedStyle && window.getComputedStyle(el, '').pointerEvents === 'auto'; docEl.removeChild(el); return !!supports; })(); var eStart = hasTouch ? 'touchstart' : 'mousedown', eMove = hasTouch ? 'touchmove' : 'mousemove', eEnd = hasTouch ? 'touchend' : 'mouseup'; eCancel = hasTouch ? 'touchcancel' : 'mouseup'; var defaults = { listNodeName : 'ol', itemNodeName : 'li', rootClass : 'dd', listClass : 'dd-list', itemClass : 'dd-item', dragClass : 'dd-dragel', handleClass : 'dd-handle', collapsedClass : 'dd-collapsed', placeClass : 'dd-placeholder', noDragClass : 'dd-nodrag', emptyClass : 'dd-empty', expandBtnHTML : '<button data-action="expand" type="button">Expand</button>', collapseBtnHTML : '<button data-action="collapse" type="button">Collapse</button>', group : 0, maxDepth : 5, threshold : 20 }; function Plugin(element, options) { this.w = $(window); this.el = $(element); this.options = $.extend({}, defaults, options); this.init(); } Plugin.prototype = { init: function() { var list = this; list.reset(); list.el.data('nestable-group', this.options.group); list.placeEl = $('<div class="' + list.options.placeClass + '"/>'); $.each(this.el.find(list.options.itemNodeName), function(k, el) { list.setParent($(el)); }); list.el.on('click', 'button', function(e) { if (list.dragEl || (!hasTouch && e.button !== 0)) { return; } var target = $(e.currentTarget), action = target.data('action'), item = target.parent(list.options.itemNodeName); if (action === 'collapse') { list.collapseItem(item); } if (action === 'expand') { list.expandItem(item); } }); var onStartEvent = function(e) { var handle = $(e.target); if (!handle.hasClass(list.options.handleClass)) { if (handle.closest('.' + list.options.noDragClass).length) { return; } handle = handle.closest('.' + list.options.handleClass); } if (!handle.length || list.dragEl || (!hasTouch && e.button !== 0) || (hasTouch && e.touches.length !== 1)) { return; } e.preventDefault(); list.dragStart(hasTouch ? e.touches[0] : e); }; var onMoveEvent = function(e) { if (list.dragEl) { e.preventDefault(); list.dragMove(hasTouch ? e.touches[0] : e); } }; var onEndEvent = function(e) { if (list.dragEl) { e.preventDefault(); list.dragStop(hasTouch ? e.touches[0] : e); } }; if (hasTouch) { list.el[0].addEventListener(eStart, onStartEvent, false); window.addEventListener(eMove, onMoveEvent, false); window.addEventListener(eEnd, onEndEvent, false); window.addEventListener(eCancel, onEndEvent, false); } else { list.el.on(eStart, onStartEvent); list.w.on(eMove, onMoveEvent); list.w.on(eEnd, onEndEvent); } }, serialize: function() { var data, depth = 0, list = this; step = function(level, depth) { var array = [ ], items = level.children(list.options.itemNodeName); items.each(function() { var li = $(this), item = $.extend({}, li.data()), sub = li.children(list.options.listNodeName); if (sub.length) { item.children = step(sub, depth + 1); } array.push(item); }); return array; }; data = step(list.el.find(list.options.listNodeName).first(), depth); return data; }, serialise: function() { return this.serialize(); }, reset: function() { this.mouse = { offsetX : 0, offsetY : 0, startX : 0, startY : 0, lastX : 0, lastY : 0, nowX : 0, nowY : 0, distX : 0, distY : 0, dirAx : 0, dirX : 0, dirY : 0, lastDirX : 0, lastDirY : 0, distAxX : 0, distAxY : 0 }; this.moving = false; this.dragEl = null; this.dragRootEl = null; this.dragDepth = 0; this.hasNewRoot = false; this.pointEl = null; }, expandItem: function(li) { li.removeClass(this.options.collapsedClass); li.children('[data-action="expand"]').hide(); li.children('[data-action="collapse"]').show(); li.children(this.options.listNodeName).show(); }, collapseItem: function(li) { var lists = li.children(this.options.listNodeName); if (lists.length) { li.addClass(this.options.collapsedClass); li.children('[data-action="collapse"]').hide(); li.children('[data-action="expand"]').show(); li.children(this.options.listNodeName).hide(); } }, expandAll: function() { var list = this; list.el.find(list.options.itemNodeName).each(function() { list.expandItem($(this)); }); }, collapseAll: function() { var list = this; list.el.find(list.options.itemNodeName).each(function() { list.collapseItem($(this)); }); }, setParent: function(li) { if (li.children(this.options.listNodeName).length) { li.prepend($(this.options.expandBtnHTML)); li.prepend($(this.options.collapseBtnHTML)); } li.children('[data-action="expand"]').hide(); }, unsetParent: function(li) { li.removeClass(this.options.collapsedClass); li.children('[data-action]').remove(); li.children(this.options.listNodeName).remove(); }, dragStart: function(e) { var mouse = this.mouse, target = $(e.target), dragItem = target.closest(this.options.itemNodeName); this.placeEl.css('height', dragItem.height()); mouse.offsetX = e.offsetX !== undefined ? e.offsetX : e.pageX - target.offset().left; mouse.offsetY = e.offsetY !== undefined ? e.offsetY : e.pageY - target.offset().top; mouse.startX = mouse.lastX = e.pageX; mouse.startY = mouse.lastY = e.pageY; this.dragRootEl = this.el; this.dragEl = $(document.createElement(this.options.listNodeName)).addClass(this.options.listClass + ' ' + this.options.dragClass); this.dragEl.css('width', dragItem.width()); // fix for zepto.js //dragItem.after(this.placeEl).detach().appendTo(this.dragEl); dragItem.after(this.placeEl); dragItem[0].parentNode.removeChild(dragItem[0]); dragItem.appendTo(this.dragEl); $(document.body).append(this.dragEl); this.dragEl.css({ 'left' : e.pageX - mouse.offsetX, 'top' : e.pageY - mouse.offsetY }); // total depth of dragging item var i, depth, items = this.dragEl.find(this.options.itemNodeName); for (i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { depth = $(items[i]).parents(this.options.listNodeName).length; if (depth > this.dragDepth) { this.dragDepth = depth; } } }, dragStop: function(e) { // fix for zepto.js //this.placeEl.replaceWith(this.dragEl.children(this.options.itemNodeName + ':first').detach()); var el = this.dragEl.children(this.options.itemNodeName).first(); el[0].parentNode.removeChild(el[0]); this.placeEl.replaceWith(el); this.dragEl.remove(); this.el.trigger('change'); if (this.hasNewRoot) { this.dragRootEl.trigger('change'); } this.reset(); }, dragMove: function(e) { var list, parent, prev, next, depth, opt = this.options, mouse = this.mouse; this.dragEl.css({ 'left' : e.pageX - mouse.offsetX, 'top' : e.pageY - mouse.offsetY }); // mouse position last events mouse.lastX = mouse.nowX; mouse.lastY = mouse.nowY; // mouse position this events mouse.nowX = e.pageX; mouse.nowY = e.pageY; // distance mouse moved between events mouse.distX = mouse.nowX - mouse.lastX; mouse.distY = mouse.nowY - mouse.lastY; // direction mouse was moving mouse.lastDirX = mouse.dirX; mouse.lastDirY = mouse.dirY; // direction mouse is now moving (on both axis) mouse.dirX = mouse.distX === 0 ? 0 : mouse.distX > 0 ? 1 : -1; mouse.dirY = mouse.distY === 0 ? 0 : mouse.distY > 0 ? 1 : -1; // axis mouse is now moving on var newAx = Math.abs(mouse.distX) > Math.abs(mouse.distY) ? 1 : 0; // do nothing on first move if (!mouse.moving) { mouse.dirAx = newAx; mouse.moving = true; return; } // calc distance moved on this axis (and direction) if (mouse.dirAx !== newAx) { mouse.distAxX = 0; mouse.distAxY = 0; } else { mouse.distAxX += Math.abs(mouse.distX); if (mouse.dirX !== 0 && mouse.dirX !== mouse.lastDirX) { mouse.distAxX = 0; } mouse.distAxY += Math.abs(mouse.distY); if (mouse.dirY !== 0 && mouse.dirY !== mouse.lastDirY) { mouse.distAxY = 0; } } mouse.dirAx = newAx; /** * move horizontal */ if (mouse.dirAx && mouse.distAxX >= opt.threshold) { // reset move distance on x-axis for new phase mouse.distAxX = 0; prev = this.placeEl.prev(opt.itemNodeName); // increase horizontal level if previous sibling exists and is not collapsed if (mouse.distX > 0 && prev.length && !prev.hasClass(opt.collapsedClass)) { // cannot increase level when item above is collapsed list = prev.find(opt.listNodeName).last(); // check if depth limit has reached depth = this.placeEl.parents(opt.listNodeName).length; if (depth + this.dragDepth <= opt.maxDepth) { // create new sub-level if one doesn't exist if (!list.length) { list = $('<' + opt.listNodeName + '/>').addClass(opt.listClass); list.append(this.placeEl); prev.append(list); this.setParent(prev); } else { // else append to next level up list = prev.children(opt.listNodeName).last(); list.append(this.placeEl); } } } // decrease horizontal level if (mouse.distX < 0) { // we can't decrease a level if an item preceeds the current one next = this.placeEl.next(opt.itemNodeName); if (!next.length) { parent = this.placeEl.parent(); this.placeEl.closest(opt.itemNodeName).after(this.placeEl); if (!parent.children().length) { this.unsetParent(parent.parent()); } } } } var isEmpty = false; // find list item under cursor if (!hasPointerEvents) { this.dragEl[0].style.visibility = 'hidden'; } this.pointEl = $(document.elementFromPoint(e.pageX - document.body.scrollLeft, e.pageY - (window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop))); if (!hasPointerEvents) { this.dragEl[0].style.visibility = 'visible'; } if (this.pointEl.hasClass(opt.handleClass)) { this.pointEl = this.pointEl.parent(opt.itemNodeName); } if (this.pointEl.hasClass(opt.emptyClass)) { isEmpty = true; } else if (!this.pointEl.length || !this.pointEl.hasClass(opt.itemClass)) { return; } // find parent list of item under cursor var pointElRoot = this.pointEl.closest('.' + opt.rootClass), isNewRoot = this.dragRootEl.data('nestable-id') !== pointElRoot.data('nestable-id'); /** * move vertical */ if (!mouse.dirAx || isNewRoot || isEmpty) { // check if groups match if dragging over new root if (isNewRoot && opt.group !== pointElRoot.data('nestable-group')) { return; } // check depth limit depth = this.dragDepth - 1 + this.pointEl.parents(opt.listNodeName).length; if (depth > opt.maxDepth) { return; } var before = e.pageY < (this.pointEl.offset().top + this.pointEl.height() / 2); parent = this.placeEl.parent(); // if empty create new list to replace empty placeholder if (isEmpty) { list = $(document.createElement(opt.listNodeName)).addClass(opt.listClass); list.append(this.placeEl); this.pointEl.replaceWith(list); } else if (before) { this.pointEl.before(this.placeEl); } else { this.pointEl.after(this.placeEl); } if (!parent.children().length) { this.unsetParent(parent.parent()); } if (!this.dragRootEl.find(opt.itemNodeName).length) { this.dragRootEl.append('<div class="' + opt.emptyClass + '"/>'); } // parent root list has changed if (isNewRoot) { this.dragRootEl = pointElRoot; this.hasNewRoot = this.el[0] !== this.dragRootEl[0]; } } } }; $.fn.nestable = function(params) { var lists = this, retval = this; lists.each(function() { var plugin = $(this).data("nestable"); if (!plugin) { $(this).data("nestable", new Plugin(this, params)); $(this).data("nestable-id", new Date().getTime()); } else { if (typeof params === 'string' && typeof plugin[params] === 'function') { retval = plugin[params](); } } }); return retval || lists; }; })(window.jQuery || window.Zepto, window, document);