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font-size: 13px; line-height: 16px; padding: 0 15px; text-transform: uppercase; font-weight: 600; position: relative; top: 50%; transform: translateY(-50%); } .history .col-history .line { background-color: #dcdde0; height: 1px; position: relative; margin: 20px 0 20px 0; } .history .col-history .line i { color: #dcdde0; position: absolute; left: 0; right: 0; top: -4px; font-size: 11px; } .history .col-history .info { height: 150px; overflow: hidden; } .history .col-history .info div { position: relative; top: 50%; transform: translateY(-50%); } .history .col-history .info h3 { font-size: 20px; margin: 0 0 4px 0; } .history .col-history .info p { font-size: 13px; margin: 0; } @-webkit-keyframes hvr-pulse { 25% { -webkit-transform: scale(1.1); transform: scale(1.1); } 75% { -webkit-transform: scale(0.9); transform: scale(0.9); } } @keyframes hvr-pulse { 25% { -webkit-transform: scale(1.1); transform: scale(1.1); } 75% { -webkit-transform: scale(0.9); transform: scale(0.9); } } .counter-section { padding: 80px 0 40px 0; } .counter-section2 .counters .statsbar .stat-number, .counter-section2 .counters .statsbar .stat-symbol-before, .counter-section2 .counters .statsbar .stat-symbol-after { font-size: 38px; line-height: 1.1; } .counter-section2 .counters { padding: 30px 0 15px 0; } .counters { border: 1px solid #f1f1f1; border-radius: 5px; padding: 35px 0 25px 0; } .counters .statsbar .stat-number, .counters .statsbar .stat-symbol-before, .counters .statsbar .stat-symbol-after { display: inline-block; font-size: 38px; font-weight: 600; font-family: 'Atma', cursive; } .counters .statsbar .stat-title { padding: 0 20px; position: relative; bottom: 10px; } .counters .statsbar .stat-title h3 { font-size: 14px; font-weight: 600; margin-bottom: 5px; font-family: 'Ubuntu', sans-serif; text-transform: uppercase; line-height: 18px; margin-top: 12px; } .counters .statsbar .stat-title p { margin: 0; font-size: 13px; } .counters .statsbar .stat-symbol-before { margin-right: 1px; } .counters .statsbar .stat-symbol-after { margin-left: 1px; 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} .services .row.orange-bg .transparent-btn:hover, .services .row.orange-bg .transparent-btn:active, .services .row.orange-bg .transparent-btn:focus { color: #f48e40; } .services .row.yellow-bg .transparent-btn:hover, .services .row.yellow-bg .transparent-btn:active, .services .row.yellow-bg .transparent-btn:focus { color: #fcc005; } .services .row.red-bg .transparent-btn:hover, .services .row.red-bg .transparent-btn:active, .services .row.red-bg .transparent-btn:focus { color: #da2a88; } .services .row.green-bg .transparent-btn:hover, .services .row.green-bg .transparent-btn:active, .services .row.green-bg .transparent-btn:focus { color: #96c667; } .services .row:hover { box-shadow: 0 0 12px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.28); } .services .col-service { margin-bottom: 30px; } .services .service-img .mask { opacity: 0; overflow: visible; border: 0px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); -moz-box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; position: absolute; padding: 7px; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; z-index: 100; transition: all 0.35s ease-in; } .services .service-img .mask a { color: #ffffff; } .services .service-img .mask a:hover { text-decoration: none; } .services .service-img .mask .mask-btn { position: relative; height: 100%; vertical-align: middle; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); z-index: 101; } .services .service-img .mask .mask-btn i { border-radius: 50%; background-color: #da2a88; color: #ffffff; padding: 10px; margin-top: 35%; margin-bottom: 5px; -webkit-transition: opacity 0.35s, -webkit-transform 0.35s; transition: opacity 0.35s, transform 0.35s; -webkit-transform: scale(1.5); transform: scale(1.5); } .services .service-img .mask .mask-btn span { display: block; font-size: 12px; } .services .service-img:hover .mask { opacity: 1; } .services .service-img:hover .mask .mask-btn i { -webkit-transform: scale(1); transform: scale(1); } .services .service-img:hover .mask .mask-btn i:hover { -webkit-transform: scale(1.3); transform: scale(1.3); } .services .service-info { padding: 30px 20px; color: #ffffff; } .services .service-info img { margin-bottom: 20px; } .services .service-info h2 { font-size: 26px; font-weight: 500; color: #ffffff; } .services .service-info h2 span { font-weight: 600; } .services .service-info p { font-size: 13px; margin-top: 0; } .services .service-info a.happykiddo-btn { font-size: 10px; } .services2 { padding-top: 0; } @media screen and (max-width:767px) { .services .col-service .service-img { height: 200px; } } .team1 { margin-top: 40px; } .team1 .col-team { margin-bottom: 25px; } .team1 .team-img-border { border: 1px solid #f1f1f1; border-radius: 5px; padding: 7px; overflow: hidden; } .team1 .team-img-border .team-img { position: relative; } .team1 .team-img-border .team-img .btn-baloon { position: absolute; bottom: -6px; right: 10px; z-index: 1000; -webkit-transform: perspective(1px) translateZ(0); transform: perspective(1px) translateZ(0); box-shadow: 0 0 1px transparent; } .team1 .team-img-border .team-img:hover .btn-baloon { -webkit-animation-name: hvr-bob-float, hvr-bob; 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vertical-align: top; position: relative; min-height: 1px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; margin-bottom: 30px; } @media (min-width:1201px) { .team2 .col-team { width: 23.777%; } } @media (min-width:992px) and (max-width:1200px) { .team2 .col-team { width: 33%; } } @media (min-width:768px) and (max-width:991px) { .team2 .col-team { width: 49.7%; } } @media (max-width:767px) { .team2 .col-team { width: 100%; } } .team2 .blog-layout6.sticky-post .blog-layout6-img .blog-layout6-img_box .mask-wrap { box-shadow: 0 0 0 15px rgba(243, 66, 53, 0.3), inset 0 0 3px rgba(243, 66, 53, 0.3); } .team2 .team2-circle .team2-img { width: 220px; height: 220px; margin: 0 auto; } .team2 .team2-circle .team2-img .team2-border { border: 1px solid #f1f1f1; padding: 7px; border-radius: 50%; width: 100%; height: 100%; } .team2 .team2-circle .team2-img .team2-img_box { width: 100%; height: 100%; border-radius: 50%; position: relative; cursor: pointer; -webkit-transition: all 0.4s ease-in-out; -moz-transition: all 0.4s ease-in-out; 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font-size: 16px; margin: 0; text-transform: uppercase; margin-top: 30%; } .team2 .team2-circle .team2-img .team2-img_box .mask a { width: 100%; height: 100%; display: block; position: absolute; } .team2 .team2-circle .team2-img .team2-img_box .mask div.position { font-weight: 600; font-size: 15px; } .team2 .team2-circle .team2-img .team2-img_box .mask i { border-radius: 50%; background-color: #da2a88; color: #ffffff; padding: 10px; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 15px; -webkit-transition: opacity 0.35s, -webkit-transform 0.35s; transition: opacity 0.35s, transform 0.35s; -webkit-transform: scale(1.5); transform: scale(1.5); } .team2 .team2-circle .team2-img .team2-img_box:hover .mask { opacity: 1; } .team2 .team2-circle .team2-img .team2-img_box:hover .mask .mask-btn { width: 100%; height: 100%; } .team2 .team2-circle .team2-img .team2-img_box:hover .mask .mask-btn i { -webkit-transform: scale(1); transform: scale(1); } .team2 .team2-circle .team2-img .team2-img_box:hover .mask .mask-btn i:hover { -webkit-transform: scale(1.3); transform: scale(1.3); } @-webkit-keyframes hvr-bob { 0% { -webkit-transform: translateY(-8px); transform: translateY(-8px); } 50% { -webkit-transform: translateY(-4px); transform: translateY(-4px); } 100% { -webkit-transform: translateY(-8px); transform: translateY(-8px); } } @keyframes hvr-bob { 0% { -webkit-transform: translateY(-8px); transform: translateY(-8px); } 50% { -webkit-transform: translateY(-4px); transform: translateY(-4px); } 100% { -webkit-transform: translateY(-8px); transform: translateY(-8px); } } @-webkit-keyframes hvr-bob-float { 100% { -webkit-transform: translateY(-8px); transform: translateY(-8px); } } @keyframes hvr-bob-float { 100% { -webkit-transform: translateY(-8px); transform: translateY(-8px); } } .testimonials-section .col-testimonials1 { float: none; display: inline-block; vertical-align: top; position: relative; min-height: 1px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; } .testimonials-section .col-testimonials1:nth-child(odd) .testimonials1 .tesimonials1-foot { background-color: #96c667; 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padding: 0; } .testimonials2-section .carousel-indicators .active { background-color: #da2a88; border: 1px solid #da2a88; } .testimonials2-section .carousel-indicators li { border: 1px solid #da2a88; } .testimonials2-section .carousel-indicators li:hover { background-color: #da2a88; } .testimonials2 .testimonials2-head { background-color: #da2a88; color: #ffffff; overflow: hidden; -webkit-border-radius: 300px; -moz-border-radius: 300px; border-radius: 300px; font-family: 'Atma', cursive; font-size: 16px; line-height: 22px; padding: 50px 110px; position: relative; } .testimonials2 .testimonials2-head:before { content: ''; width: 119px; height: 92px; background-image: url('../images/happykiddo_tesimonials2-quote1.png'); position: absolute; top: 20px; left: -25px; } .testimonials2 .testimonials2-head:after { content: ''; width: 119px; height: 92px; background-image: url('../images/happykiddo_tesimonials2-quote2.png'); position: absolute; bottom: 20px; right: -25px; } .testimonials2 .testimonials2-head p { margin: 0; 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border-bottom: 1px solid #f1f1f1; position: relative; padding-bottom: 20px; } .steps-section .second-row h2 { margin-top: 20px; } .steps-section .second-row .steps-img { position: relative; } .steps-section .second-row .steps-img img { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 25px; } .steps-section .second-row .steps-info { padding: 65px 0 50px 0; position: relative; } .steps-section h2 { font-size: 22px; } .steps-section p { margin-top: 0; } .steps-section .steps-quote { background: url(../images/happykiddo_steps-quote.png) top left no-repeat; color: #ffffff; width: 190px; height: 180px; display: table; margin: 0 auto; font-size: 22px; font-weight: 600; line-height: 30px; } .steps-section .steps-quote div { display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; text-align: center; } .steps-section .steps-quote div span { color: #96c667; font-family: 'Atma', cursive; font-weight: 600; font-size: 24px; } .steps-section .steps-arrow { position: absolute; } .steps-section .arrow1 { top: 70px; right: -90px; } .steps-section .arrow2 { top: 170px; left: -80px; } .steps-section .arrow3 { top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; } .steps-section .arrow4 { top: auto !important; bottom: 40px; left: 0; right: 0; } @media screen and (max-width:767px) { .steps-section .first-row .steps-info { padding-top: 40px; } .steps-section .first-row .steps-info:last-child { padding-bottom: 50px; padding-top: 50px; } .steps-section .second-row img.steps-arrow, .steps-section .second-row img.clown2 { display: none; } .steps-section .second-row .steps-info { padding: 45px 0 0px 0; } .steps-section .second-row .steps-info:last-child { padding-bottom: 45px; } } .section-info { position: relative; } .section-info h2 span.atma-span { font-family: 'Atma', cursive; font-weight: 600; font-size: 24px; } .section-info1 { background: url(../images/bg4.jpg) top left repeat; color: #ffffff; } .section-info1 h2 { font-family: 'Ubuntu', sans-serif; font-weight: 500; font-size: 26px; } .section-info2 { background: url(../images/bg3.jpg) top left repeat; 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outline: 0 none; } .booking-form .booking label { font-size: 12px; } .booking-form .booking button { color: #ffffff; font-weight: 600; background-color: #da2a88; font-size: 13px; border: 2px solid #da2a88; border-radius: 3px; padding: 7px 25px; position: relative; overflow: hidden; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; margin: 10px auto; display: block; z-index: 10; -webkit-transform: perspective(1px) translateZ(0); transform: perspective(1px) translateZ(0); box-shadow: 0 0 1px transparent; -webkit-transition-property: color; transition-property: color; -webkit-transition-duration: 0.3s; transition-duration: 0.3s; } .booking-form .booking button:before { content: ""; position: absolute; z-index: -1; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; background: #ffffff; -webkit-transform: scaleY(0); transform: scaleY(0); -webkit-transform-origin: 50% 100%; transform-origin: 50% 100%; -webkit-transition-property: transform; transition-property: transform; -webkit-transition-duration: 0.3s; transition-duration: 0.3s; -webkit-transition-timing-function: ease-out; transition-timing-function: ease-out; } .booking-form .booking button:hover, .booking-form .booking button:focus, .booking-form .booking button:active { color: #da2a88; text-decoration: none; } .booking-form .booking button:hover:before, .booking-form .booking button:focus:before, .booking-form .booking button:active:before { -webkit-transform: scaleY(1); transform: scaleY(1); } .booking-form .booking .btn-row { position: relative; } .booking-form .booking .btn-row .form-arrow { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 55%; z-index: 1; } .booking-form .booking ul { padding: 0; margin: 0; } .booking-form .booking ul li { display: inline-block; list-style-type: none; } .booking-form .booking ul li .checkbox { margin: 5px 20px 0 0; } @media (min-width:768px) and (max-width:980px) { .booking-section .section-info1 img { width: 650px; bottom: -125px; } .booking-section .section-info1 h2 { margin-bottom: 210px; } } @media (max-width:767px) { .booking-section .section-info1 img { width: 280px; 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transition: opacity 0.35s, transform 0.35s; -webkit-transform: scale(1.5); transform: scale(1.5); } .gallery-widget .gallery-col .img-box-border .mask .mask-btn span { display: block; font-size: 12px; } .gallery-widget .gallery-col .img-box-border:hover .mask { opacity: 1; } .gallery-widget .gallery-col .img-box-border:hover .mask .mask-btn i { -webkit-transform: scale(1); transform: scale(1); } .gallery-widget .gallery-col .img-box-border:hover .mask .mask-btn i:hover { -webkit-transform: scale(1.3); transform: scale(1.3); } .header-widget p { text-align: justify; text-justify: inter-word; } .who-we-are-section2 .col-height { vertical-align: bottom; } .cta, .cta2 { padding: 30px 0; } .cta h2 { font-family: 'Ubuntu', sans-serif; color: #ffffff; font-size: 22px; text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px #969696; font-weight: 500; line-height: 1.4; } .cta2 h2 { font-family: 'Ubuntu', sans-serif; color: #ffffff; font-size: 22px; font-weight: 500; } .cta .happykiddo-btn, .cta2 .happykiddo-btn { color: #03b9d7; font-weight: 600; background-color: #ffffff; font-size: 15px; border: 2px solid #ffffff; border-radius: 3px; padding: 12px 25px; margin: 0 3px; position: relative; overflow: hidden; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; text-transform: uppercase; -webkit-transform: perspective(1px) translateZ(0); transform: perspective(1px) translateZ(0); box-shadow: 0 0 1px transparent; -webkit-transition-property: color; transition-property: color; -webkit-transition-duration: 0.3s; transition-duration: 0.3s; -webkit-box-shadow: 1px 1px 5px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25); -moz-box-shadow: 1px 1px 5px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25); box-shadow: 1px 1px 5px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25); } .cta .happykiddo-btn:before, .cta2 .happykiddo-btn:before { content: ""; position: absolute; z-index: -1; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; background: #03b9d7; -webkit-transform: scaleY(0); transform: scaleY(0); -webkit-transform-origin: 50% 100%; transform-origin: 50% 100%; -webkit-transition-property: transform; transition-property: transform; -webkit-transition-duration: 0.3s; transition-duration: 0.3s; -webkit-transition-timing-function: ease-out; transition-timing-function: ease-out; } .cta .happykiddo-btn:hover, .cta .happykiddo-btn:focus, .cta .happykiddo-btn:active, .cta2 .happykiddo-btn:hover, .cta2 .happykiddo-btn:focus, .cta2 .happykiddo-btn:active { color: #ffffff; text-decoration: none; } .cta .happykiddo-btn:hover:before, .cta .happykiddo-btn:focus:before, .cta .happykiddo-btn:active:before, .cta2 .happykiddo-btn:hover:before, .cta2 .happykiddo-btn:focus:before, .cta2 .happykiddo-btn:active:before { -webkit-transform: scaleY(1); transform: scaleY(1); } #calendar { padding: 0 15px; } .calendar-description { font-size: 18px; font-weight: 600; } .calendar-description i { color: #bebebe; } .fc-header td { white-space: nowrap; } .fc-header-left { width: 25%; text-align: left; } .fc-header-center { text-align: center; } .fc-header-right { width: 25%; text-align: right; } .fc-header-title { display: inline-block; vertical-align: top; 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} 75% { -webkit-transform: translateX(-5%) rotate(-1deg); -ms-transform: translateX(-5%) rotate(-1deg); transform: translateX(-5%) rotate(-1deg); } 100% { -webkit-transform: translateX(0%); -ms-transform: translateX(0%); transform: translateX(0%); } } .wobble { -webkit-animation-name: wobble; animation-name: wobble; } @-webkit-keyframes bounceIn { 0% { opacity: 0; -webkit-transform: scale(0.3); transform: scale(0.3); } 50% { opacity: 1; -webkit-transform: scale(1.05); transform: scale(1.05); } 70% { -webkit-transform: scale(0.9); transform: scale(0.9); } 100% { -webkit-transform: scale(1); transform: scale(1); } } @keyframes bounceIn { 0% { opacity: 0; -webkit-transform: scale(0.3); -ms-transform: scale(0.3); transform: scale(0.3); } 50% { opacity: 1; -webkit-transform: scale(1.05); -ms-transform: scale(1.05); transform: scale(1.05); } 70% { -webkit-transform: scale(0.9); -ms-transform: scale(0.9); transform: scale(0.9); } 100% { -webkit-transform: scale(1); -ms-transform: scale(1); transform: scale(1); 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transform: translateY(-30px); } 80% { -webkit-transform: translateY(10px); transform: translateY(10px); } 100% { -webkit-transform: translateY(0); transform: translateY(0); } } @keyframes bounceInUp { 0% { opacity: 0; -webkit-transform: translateY(2000px); -ms-transform: translateY(2000px); transform: translateY(2000px); } 60% { opacity: 1; -webkit-transform: translateY(-30px); -ms-transform: translateY(-30px); transform: translateY(-30px); } 80% { -webkit-transform: translateY(10px); -ms-transform: translateY(10px); transform: translateY(10px); } 100% { -webkit-transform: translateY(0); -ms-transform: translateY(0); transform: translateY(0); } } .bounceInUp { -webkit-animation-name: bounceInUp; animation-name: bounceInUp; } @-webkit-keyframes bounceOut { 0% { -webkit-transform: scale(1); transform: scale(1); } 25% { -webkit-transform: scale(0.95); transform: scale(0.95); } 50% { opacity: 1; -webkit-transform: scale(1.1); transform: scale(1.1); } 100% { opacity: 0; -webkit-transform: scale(0.3); transform: scale(0.3); } } @keyframes bounceOut { 0% { -webkit-transform: scale(1); -ms-transform: scale(1); transform: scale(1); } 25% { -webkit-transform: scale(0.95); -ms-transform: scale(0.95); transform: scale(0.95); } 50% { opacity: 1; -webkit-transform: scale(1.1); -ms-transform: scale(1.1); transform: scale(1.1); } 100% { opacity: 0; -webkit-transform: scale(0.3); -ms-transform: scale(0.3); transform: scale(0.3); } } .bounceOut { -webkit-animation-name: bounceOut; animation-name: bounceOut; } @-webkit-keyframes bounceOutDown { 0% { -webkit-transform: translateY(0); transform: translateY(0); } 20% { opacity: 1; -webkit-transform: translateY(-20px); transform: translateY(-20px); } 100% { opacity: 0; -webkit-transform: translateY(2000px); transform: translateY(2000px); } } @keyframes bounceOutDown { 0% { -webkit-transform: translateY(0); -ms-transform: translateY(0); transform: translateY(0); } 20% { opacity: 1; -webkit-transform: translateY(-20px); -ms-transform: translateY(-20px); 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-ms-transform: perspective(400px) translateZ(150px) rotateY(170deg) scale(1); transform: perspective(400px) translateZ(150px) rotateY(170deg) scale(1); -webkit-animation-timing-function: ease-out; animation-timing-function: ease-out; } 50% { -webkit-transform: perspective(400px) translateZ(150px) rotateY(190deg) scale(1); -ms-transform: perspective(400px) translateZ(150px) rotateY(190deg) scale(1); transform: perspective(400px) translateZ(150px) rotateY(190deg) scale(1); -webkit-animation-timing-function: ease-in; animation-timing-function: ease-in; } 80% { -webkit-transform: perspective(400px) translateZ(0) rotateY(360deg) scale(0.95); -ms-transform: perspective(400px) translateZ(0) rotateY(360deg) scale(0.95); transform: perspective(400px) translateZ(0) rotateY(360deg) scale(0.95); -webkit-animation-timing-function: ease-in; animation-timing-function: ease-in; } 100% { -webkit-transform: perspective(400px) translateZ(0) rotateY(360deg) scale(1); -ms-transform: perspective(400px) translateZ(0) rotateY(360deg) scale(1); transform: perspective(400px) translateZ(0) rotateY(360deg) scale(1); -webkit-animation-timing-function: ease-in; animation-timing-function: ease-in; } } .animated.flip { -webkit-backface-visibility: visible; -ms-backface-visibility: visible; backface-visibility: visible; -webkit-animation-name: flip; animation-name: flip; } @-webkit-keyframes flipInX { 0% { -webkit-transform: perspective(400px) rotateX(90deg); transform: perspective(400px) rotateX(90deg); opacity: 0; } 40% { -webkit-transform: perspective(400px) rotateX(-10deg); transform: perspective(400px) rotateX(-10deg); } 70% { -webkit-transform: perspective(400px) rotateX(10deg); transform: perspective(400px) rotateX(10deg); } 100% { -webkit-transform: perspective(400px) rotateX(0deg); transform: perspective(400px) rotateX(0deg); opacity: 1; } } @keyframes flipInX { 0% { -webkit-transform: perspective(400px) rotateX(90deg); -ms-transform: perspective(400px) rotateX(90deg); transform: perspective(400px) rotateX(90deg); opacity: 0; } 40% { -webkit-transform: perspective(400px) rotateX(-10deg); -ms-transform: perspective(400px) rotateX(-10deg); transform: perspective(400px) rotateX(-10deg); } 70% { -webkit-transform: perspective(400px) rotateX(10deg); -ms-transform: perspective(400px) rotateX(10deg); transform: perspective(400px) rotateX(10deg); } 100% { -webkit-transform: perspective(400px) rotateX(0deg); -ms-transform: perspective(400px) rotateX(0deg); transform: perspective(400px) rotateX(0deg); opacity: 1; } } .flipInX { -webkit-backface-visibility: visible !important; -ms-backface-visibility: visible !important; backface-visibility: visible !important; -webkit-animation-name: flipInX; animation-name: flipInX; } @-webkit-keyframes flipInY { 0% { -webkit-transform: perspective(400px) rotateY(90deg); transform: perspective(400px) rotateY(90deg); opacity: 0; } 40% { -webkit-transform: perspective(400px) rotateY(-10deg); transform: perspective(400px) rotateY(-10deg); } 70% { -webkit-transform: perspective(400px) rotateY(10deg); transform: perspective(400px) rotateY(10deg); } 100% { -webkit-transform: perspective(400px) rotateY(0deg); transform: perspective(400px) rotateY(0deg); opacity: 1; } } @keyframes flipInY { 0% { -webkit-transform: perspective(400px) rotateY(90deg); -ms-transform: perspective(400px) rotateY(90deg); transform: perspective(400px) rotateY(90deg); opacity: 0; } 40% { -webkit-transform: perspective(400px) rotateY(-10deg); -ms-transform: perspective(400px) rotateY(-10deg); transform: perspective(400px) rotateY(-10deg); } 70% { -webkit-transform: perspective(400px) rotateY(10deg); -ms-transform: perspective(400px) rotateY(10deg); transform: perspective(400px) rotateY(10deg); } 100% { -webkit-transform: perspective(400px) rotateY(0deg); -ms-transform: perspective(400px) rotateY(0deg); transform: perspective(400px) rotateY(0deg); opacity: 1; } } .flipInY { -webkit-backface-visibility: visible !important; -ms-backface-visibility: visible !important; backface-visibility: visible !important; -webkit-animation-name: flipInY; animation-name: flipInY; } @-webkit-keyframes flipOutX { 0% { -webkit-transform: perspective(400px) rotateX(0deg); transform: perspective(400px) rotateX(0deg); opacity: 1; } 100% { -webkit-transform: perspective(400px) rotateX(90deg); transform: perspective(400px) rotateX(90deg); opacity: 0; } } @keyframes flipOutX { 0% { -webkit-transform: perspective(400px) rotateX(0deg); -ms-transform: perspective(400px) rotateX(0deg); transform: perspective(400px) rotateX(0deg); opacity: 1; } 100% { -webkit-transform: perspective(400px) rotateX(90deg); -ms-transform: perspective(400px) rotateX(90deg); transform: perspective(400px) rotateX(90deg); opacity: 0; } } .flipOutX { -webkit-animation-name: flipOutX; animation-name: flipOutX; -webkit-backface-visibility: visible !important; -ms-backface-visibility: visible !important; backface-visibility: visible !important; } @-webkit-keyframes flipOutY { 0% { -webkit-transform: perspective(400px) rotateY(0deg); transform: perspective(400px) rotateY(0deg); 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transform: translateX(0%) skewX(-15deg); opacity: 1; } 100% { -webkit-transform: translateX(0%) skewX(0deg); transform: translateX(0%) skewX(0deg); opacity: 1; } } @keyframes lightSpeedIn { 0% { -webkit-transform: translateX(100%) skewX(-30deg); -ms-transform: translateX(100%) skewX(-30deg); transform: translateX(100%) skewX(-30deg); opacity: 0; } 60% { -webkit-transform: translateX(-20%) skewX(30deg); -ms-transform: translateX(-20%) skewX(30deg); transform: translateX(-20%) skewX(30deg); opacity: 1; } 80% { -webkit-transform: translateX(0%) skewX(-15deg); -ms-transform: translateX(0%) skewX(-15deg); transform: translateX(0%) skewX(-15deg); opacity: 1; } 100% { -webkit-transform: translateX(0%) skewX(0deg); -ms-transform: translateX(0%) skewX(0deg); transform: translateX(0%) skewX(0deg); opacity: 1; } } .lightSpeedIn { -webkit-animation-name: lightSpeedIn; animation-name: lightSpeedIn; -webkit-animation-timing-function: ease-out; animation-timing-function: ease-out; } @-webkit-keyframes lightSpeedOut { 0% { -webkit-transform: translateX(0%) skewX(0deg); 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} } @keyframes rotateIn { 0% { -webkit-transform-origin: center center; -ms-transform-origin: center center; transform-origin: center center; -webkit-transform: rotate(-200deg); -ms-transform: rotate(-200deg); transform: rotate(-200deg); opacity: 0; } 100% { -webkit-transform-origin: center center; -ms-transform-origin: center center; transform-origin: center center; -webkit-transform: rotate(0); -ms-transform: rotate(0); transform: rotate(0); opacity: 1; } } .rotateIn { -webkit-animation-name: rotateIn; animation-name: rotateIn; } @-webkit-keyframes rotateInDownLeft { 0% { -webkit-transform-origin: left bottom; transform-origin: left bottom; -webkit-transform: rotate(-90deg); transform: rotate(-90deg); opacity: 0; } 100% { -webkit-transform-origin: left bottom; transform-origin: left bottom; -webkit-transform: rotate(0); transform: rotate(0); opacity: 1; } } @keyframes rotateInDownLeft { 0% { -webkit-transform-origin: left bottom; -ms-transform-origin: left bottom; transform-origin: left bottom; -webkit-transform: rotate(-90deg); -ms-transform: rotate(-90deg); transform: rotate(-90deg); opacity: 0; } 100% { -webkit-transform-origin: left bottom; -ms-transform-origin: left bottom; transform-origin: left bottom; -webkit-transform: rotate(0); -ms-transform: rotate(0); transform: rotate(0); opacity: 1; } } .rotateInDownLeft { -webkit-animation-name: rotateInDownLeft; animation-name: rotateInDownLeft; } @-webkit-keyframes rotateInDownRight { 0% { -webkit-transform-origin: right bottom; transform-origin: right bottom; -webkit-transform: rotate(90deg); transform: rotate(90deg); opacity: 0; } 100% { -webkit-transform-origin: right bottom; transform-origin: right bottom; -webkit-transform: rotate(0); transform: rotate(0); opacity: 1; } } @keyframes rotateInDownRight { 0% { -webkit-transform-origin: right bottom; -ms-transform-origin: right bottom; transform-origin: right bottom; -webkit-transform: rotate(90deg); -ms-transform: rotate(90deg); transform: rotate(90deg); opacity: 0; } 100% { -webkit-transform-origin: right bottom; -ms-transform-origin: right bottom; transform-origin: right bottom; -webkit-transform: rotate(0); -ms-transform: rotate(0); transform: rotate(0); opacity: 1; } } .rotateInDownRight { -webkit-animation-name: rotateInDownRight; animation-name: rotateInDownRight; } @-webkit-keyframes rotateInUpLeft { 0% { -webkit-transform-origin: left bottom; transform-origin: left bottom; -webkit-transform: rotate(90deg); transform: rotate(90deg); opacity: 0; } 100% { -webkit-transform-origin: left bottom; transform-origin: left bottom; -webkit-transform: rotate(0); transform: rotate(0); opacity: 1; } } @keyframes rotateInUpLeft { 0% { -webkit-transform-origin: left bottom; -ms-transform-origin: left bottom; transform-origin: left bottom; -webkit-transform: rotate(90deg); -ms-transform: rotate(90deg); transform: rotate(90deg); opacity: 0; } 100% { -webkit-transform-origin: left bottom; -ms-transform-origin: left bottom; transform-origin: left bottom; -webkit-transform: rotate(0); -ms-transform: rotate(0); 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